Name this blog

I’ve decided to re-name my blog. I do have a million and two technological ignorance(s), and “Tech-Tard” describes that, but it doesn’t describe many of the other things I find myself wanting to write about since I started this,and there are so many other things!


I have a gazillion pesky little worries trampling through my head (and leaving muddy footprints). Making fun of them, and writing  the words like “Bad Ass” seems to help, so it makes sense to figure out a name more suited to that.

Names that have flown through my muddy head so far:

  1. Me I Wannabe   ( PLUS – it rhymes,  MINUS – wannabe can have a bad connotation, but it does suit my self deprecating humor, so that could be a +, too)
  2. Operation Bad Ass  (PLUS –  it has the word “Ass” in it, MINUS – it has the word “Ass” in it)
  3.  Or, maybe I could give it a person name, like “Steve” or “Gary”

There are some blog name  generators available as well. I tried this one : GZZT it came up with these a lot of quirky combinations. These are the ones that appealed to me most:

  • nerdy notes (I am kind of nerdy)
  • Violet Blatherings
  • Hobo Happenings

Blog Names I LOVE

  • Hyperbole and a Half  <—-Such a clever name (p.s. LOVE her writing, too!)
  • The Other Courtney  This title is simple and clever…the kind of clever that’s not trying too hard…love it.
  • Girl on the Contrary Ditto “The Other Courtney”….Hmmm…looks like I have a thing for titles that start with “C” and end in “y”

Which one do you think works best? One or Two? Or something new? (I like Dr. Seuss, and blue…too)

19 thoughts on “Name this blog

  1. I completely agree that a name change is in order, mostly because it is so self depricating 😉 I think I like Me I Wannabe (or maybe Wannabe Me?)


    • Thanks Erin! I keep thinking of more stuff to add to the possible names… 😛 HA!

      Now there’s:
      Lucky Wreck (from the blog name generator)
      AMYgdala (from my head) 😛


    • Yay! I’m glad you like “Lucky Wreck”. I think I like it. I’m wavering back and forth. It seems to describe me fairly well; I feel like a wreck most of the time, but, for being such a wreck, I am pretty lucky. 🙂

      The compliment on your blog is well deserved! Your writing brave, amazing, and inspiring!

      Thank you for the input 🙂


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