Do Be Do Be Do

Last night, I started struggling with a little conflict in my head that arose while I was trying to listen to a relaxation meditation on my iPod.  I heard the voice say “take the path of least resistance”.  Apparently, my path of least resistance was to NOT relax, so I got up.  I went to my computer and googled “the path of least resistance” because I had a strange hankering to, and I felt it wouldn’t hurt if I found an argument that would help me rationalize my lack of self discipline for relaxation.

Here are some of the first titles that popped up in my  google search:

  • If You Think the Path of Least Resistance is the Way – THINK AGAIN <—this does not look promising
  • The Path of Least Resistance is the Path Without Opportunities <—- Oops
  • A Hierarchy of Excuses: The Pathetic Path of Least Resistance <— Crap! My hopes of rationalizing away the fact that I gave up on relaxation are dwindling….I’m a relaxation quitter!

I have to admit I didn’t  read any of these articles entirely, but by looking at the titles, I would guess these authors aren’t fans of the path of least resistance.

Being familiar with psychology, self-help and psycho-babble, hearing the phrase “path of least resistance” reminded me of other things I’ve heard while trying to learn to keep my crazy in. Things  like “Follow your bliss” and “what you resist persists”.  Still, the titles that came up on my search made sense, too. They remind me of inspirational sayings like “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”, or,  “We must do the things we think we cannot”.

Apparently, the Thinker-too-mucher thing that lives in my AMYgdala enlisted some recruits for this one because thoughts of what to do were running rampant in my head. Which piece of profound life advice do I follow?

 I have explored a lot things to try to help me cope with depression, and some of those things have trickled  into the arena of religious philosophy… mostly Buddhism and Taoism. Although I was raised (and still am) Christian, I found a lot of wisdom in eastern philosophy that helped me cope.  While I was in an all out ‘finding myself – spiritual seeking’ phase, I watched a documentary in which one of the speakers said to live a combination of Do Be Do Be Do.

 I took the path of least resistance and followed my bliss for googling things and googled “Do Be Do Be Do”.  This is what came up:

Do be do be do

Apparently Sinatra had this all figured out

 Although I don’t remember the  name of the documentary that introduced me to this profound statement, or the name of the genius (aside from Sinatra) who said it, that phrase was something I won’t forget…mostly because it rhymes with Scooby Doo be dooo, and it’s a fun thing to say really fast. (I highly recommend trying it)


I love dogs. Especially ones that eat Scooby snacks and  solve mysteries

Linguistic fascination aside, the combination of DOing something, and just BEing makes sense.  Maybe there are certain times when it’s necessary to DO something; take action and step outside of your comfort zone. Other times, maybe it’s best to take the path of least resistance and just BE. Just be who you are and accept things as they are…adjust your sail to flow WITH the wind rather than fight against it.

Now, I just have to figure out when to DO, and when to BE…

20 thoughts on “Do Be Do Be Do

  1. This is one of those posts that while being equal parts light hearted and weighty will totally stick with me… particularly the “Do Be Do Be Do” part 😉 But for real… learning that balance is the ultimate goal. I’m on the same path!


  2. Good luck! I’ve followed the do what feels best right now plan recently. I used to be fond of delayed gratification, but too often delayed was becoming never so I switched. Outside of never getting anything done at work, it seems to be going alright.


  3. Scooby had it right. He feared everything, but forgot the fear in the face of a Dagwood-worthy sandwich, open icebox of munchies, or a Scooby snack. And you know, he figured out most mysteries.

    I’ll Scooby doo be doo from here on out, thank you. And those enormous sandwiches are not an insignificant factor.


  4. Eight years ago I put a whole ‘nother spin on “Do be”. (Use your imagination. Haha…)

    Doobie <<<

    I like where you're headed, Amy. I have to say, I'm partial to your self-doubting (at times) and brutal self-introspection because I can so relate, but I love to see your "positive affectivity" (gag, I know!- more psychology). Really, I do though. :0)

    Even when you're teetering on the brink of ICK in times past, I always smile here at your place and feel warm and fuzzy. It's good to see you again, and, good to see your strength rolling out like it is right now. LOVE IT. Thanks for sharing this.

    Hope your Christmas is a good one!
    And see you soon. 😉


  5. Relaxing can be surprisingly hard. I do yoga, (which I recommend) and sometimes feel that I’m cheating because I’m actually absorbed in thinking about work or some other dilemma when I’m supposed to be just “noticing how this posture makes me feel”.


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